Key cases by Yair Cohen

Read key cases by UK lawyer Yair Cohen.

The case of David Paisley and Graham Linehan

The Case of David Paisley vs. Graham Linehan

Yair Cohen, represents David Paisley, a former actor and prominent LGBT rights activist, who brought a defamation claim against Graham Linehan, a well-known television writer, in the English High Court.

The Case of David Paisley vs. Graham Linehan Read More »

TJM v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police

The case of TJM v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police

Yair Cohen is the solicitor who represented TJM, a Royal Marine Officer, who faced defamatory allegations from West Yorkshire Police. His former partner accused him of controlling and coercive behaviour.

The case of TJM v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police Read More »

Dominic Ford V Marcus Stones

The case of Jack Aaronson AKA Dominic Ford V Marcus Stones Aka Mickey Taylor

In this libel case, Yair Cohen acted for Mr Aaronson who is known as Dominic Ford, against Marcus Stones, who is known as Mickey Taylor The case revolved around serious accusations made on Twitter. The judge highlighted the importance of responsible journalism and the verification of information before publication, noting that Stones’ belief that publishing the statements was in the public interest was not objectively reasonable.

The case of Jack Aaronson AKA Dominic Ford V Marcus Stones Aka Mickey Taylor Read More »

Remove defamation pissed consumer

The case of Brian Dudley v Michael Phillips

The case of Brian Dudley v Michael Phillips involves a financial advisor who became the victim of nearly 6 years of defamation and harassment campaign by a former colleague, Michael Phillips. He was awarded, for the first time in England, combined damages for defamation and for breach of Date Protection Act by his defamer.

The case of Brian Dudley v Michael Phillips Read More »

The cases of R V Paul Britton and Phipps v Paul Britton and Origin Design

The case of Paul Britton was the first case in the UK, where an online troll was made to take responsibility for his harassing an defamatory activities twice. First in the criminal court and once convicted, in a separate civil case in the High Court.

The cases of R V Paul Britton and Phipps v Paul Britton and Origin Design Read More »

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