Internet Law Leadership Summit

The 2019 annual gathering of some of the greatest internet law attorneys from the US, Canada and UK is taking place in Las Vegas Nevada. Attendance by invitation only
From 08:30 until 17:30
At ARIA Resort Las Vegas
3730 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV 89158, United States
Organised by: ILLS Inc
The 2019 annual gathering of some of the greatest internet law attorneys from the US, Canada and UK is taking place in Las Vegas Nevada. Attendance by invitation only.
Yair Cohen is the only UK representative to the Internet Law Leadership Summit this year. He is proud to represent social media lawyers from the UK and to promote co-operation between UK internet lawyers and those from USA and Canada.
During the two and a half days of learning, debates and barnstorming, all under Chatham House Rule, the leading group of internet lawyers and attorneys will delve deep into the past year’s internet law developments and will debate all the major forthcoming internet law related cases, laws and policies from the USA, Canada and Europe.
During this summit, Yair will deliver a presentation on the latest European laws that are likely to have international global application. These includes the latest news on the EU Copyright Directive, EU ePrivacy Regulations and latest GDPR trends.
Topics covered:
Data Breaches and Enforcement
GDPR Updates
EU ePrivay Regulations
Online Harms White Paper