Internet Defamation Lawyer

The case of David Paisley and Graham Linehan

The Case of David Paisley vs. Graham Linehan

Yair Cohen, represents David Paisley, a former actor and prominent LGBT rights activist, who brought a defamation claim against Graham Linehan, a well-known television writer, in the English High Court.

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TJM v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police

The case of TJM v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police

Yair Cohen is the solicitor who represented TJM, a Royal Marine Officer, who faced defamatory allegations from West Yorkshire Police. His former partner accused him of controlling and coercive behaviour.

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Dominic Ford V Marcus Stones

The case of Jack Aaronson AKA Dominic Ford V Marcus Stones Aka Mickey Taylor

In this libel case, Yair Cohen acted for Mr Aaronson who is known as Dominic Ford, against Marcus Stones, who is known as Mickey Taylor The case revolved around serious accusations made on Twitter. The judge highlighted the importance of responsible journalism and the verification of information before publication, noting that Stones’ belief that publishing the statements was in the public interest was not objectively reasonable.

The case of Jack Aaronson AKA Dominic Ford V Marcus Stones Aka Mickey Taylor Read More »

Remove defamation pissed consumer

The case of Brian Dudley v Michael Phillips

The case of Brian Dudley v Michael Phillips involves a financial advisor who became the victim of nearly 6 years of defamation and harassment campaign by a former colleague, Michael Phillips. He was awarded, for the first time in England, combined damages for defamation and for breach of Date Protection Act by his defamer.

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Celebrities Internet Trolls

Celebrities Internet Trolls

Why do people troll celebrities? Rumours about celebrities on social media The world of fame and fortune can be a difficult one to navigate. For celebrities, their lives are often the target of scrutiny from their fans and haters alike. Unfortunately, the rise of the internet has made it easier for people to express their

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Freedom of Speech and Online Harassment

Why is it that people feel that they can say what they want about people on the internet that they wouldn’t necessarily say to someone’s face?. It broadly goes back to the early days of the internet, where there was a perception that the internet was outside the scope of regulations and policing. It was

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Is online abuse a criminal offence in the UK

Is online abuse a criminal offence?

Katie Price is certainly a controversial figure who doesn’t hesitate to speak her mind. But does this necessarily make her a fair target to online abuse?

She doesn’t think so and i’m supporting her. Katie Price and her children have been suffering from online abuse and harassment far before many members of Parliament started to recognised online harassment and abuse as an issue worth discussing.

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Harassment Injunction Lawyers Serve for the First Time Harassment Injunction via Instagram

Social media litigation lawyer obtained online harassment injunction to stop internet trolls abusing his victim on social media. Serving online harassment injunction via social media on Instagram. Yair Cohen social media lawyer specialises in difficult cases of online harassment and internet harassment law

Harassment Injunction Lawyers Serve for the First Time Harassment Injunction via Instagram Read More »

Are operators of review websites liable for defamation posted by anonymous users?

The truth, which every defamation solicitor who specialises in removing defamation from the internet should be able to tell you, is that the majority of the operators of review websites. business defamation on review website

Are operators of review websites liable for defamation posted by anonymous users? Read More »

Social Media Sites and Corporate Social Responsibility - The Case Of Stan Collymor

Social Media Sites and Corporate Social Responsibility – The Case Of Stan Collymor

The key issue is whether it’s fair to place the entire burden of responsibility on the platform. Social media companies, while crucial in setting and enforcing community guidelines, cannot single-handedly control user behaviour.

Social Media Sites and Corporate Social Responsibility – The Case Of Stan Collymor Read More »

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