Social Media Lawyer

The case of Jack Aaronson AKA Dominic Ford V Marcus Stones Aka Mickey Taylor

In this libel case, Yair Cohen acted for Mr Aaronson who is known as Dominic Ford, against Marcus Stones, who is known as Mickey Taylor The case revolved around serious accusations made on Twitter. The judge highlighted the importance of responsible journalism and the verification of information before publication, noting that Stones’ belief that publishing the statements was in the public interest was not objectively reasonable.

Remove defamation pissed consumer

The case of Brian Dudley v Michael Phillips

The case of Brian Dudley v Michael Phillips involves a financial advisor who became the victim of nearly 6 years of defamation and harassment campaign by a former colleague, Michael Phillips. He was awarded, for the first time in England, combined damages for defamation and for breach of Date Protection Act by his defamer.

Celebrities Internet Trolls

celebrities Internet trolls

Why do people troll celebrities? Rumours about celebrities on social media The world of fame and fortune can be a difficult one to navigate. For celebrities, their lives are often the target of scrutiny from their fans and haters alike. Unfortunately, the rise of the internet has made it easier for people to express their …

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The cases of R V Paul Britton and Phipps v Paul Britton and Origin Design

The case of Paul Britton was the first case in the UK, where an online troll was made to take responsibility for his harassing an defamatory activities twice. First in the criminal court and once convicted, in a separate civil case in the High Court.

The EU anti-trust case against Google-the latest chapter

Latest anti-trust ruling by the European Court Today, the European General Court upheld a 2017 anti-trust ruling by the European Commission which imposed on Google a fine of $2.8 billion following a finding of anti-competitive conduct by the internet giant Why the decision against Google is important Google has lost its appeal against a $2.8 …

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YouTube deletes RT News Channels

YouTube deletes 2 news channels depriving 500,000,000 viewers of news choice YouTube has permanently deleted two news channels, which appear to have reported news in a manner disagreeable to YouTube. Both news channels, which between them share more than half a billion viewers are sister stations of Russian RT News. The news channels broadcast in …

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Is online content removal influenced by politics

Social media giants told by watchdog to delete tons of content or else….

Do social media companies discriminate against Russian generated content and if so, who has to pay the price? Yair Cohen explains in a live interview

Twitter, Facebook, Political Ads and Mission Statements

At times of trouble, when important decisions need to be made, within the organisation about a critical topic, the place to turn to for the right answer is the mission statement. Mission statements are a way get everyone focused on the right direction, and they play a part in helping a business make sound long-term decisions.

Why does Facebook ban right-wing extremists

The government will eventually, like it or not, police the internet. This is inevitable. The recently published White Paper which warned internet companies very clearly of its intention to set up a new internet regulator is an indication of what social media companies should expect to see in the future. How powerful this regulator will be, will largely depend on how genuine social media companies’ effort to combat intolerance, prevent self-harm and decrease the amount of fake news is.

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