YouTube deletes RT news YouTube deletes RT’s German channels over alleged Covid misinformation YouTube deprives 500.000,000 news consumers of two popular news channels. Read more YouTube deletes RT Television 446 views You may also like Breach of privacy of children when parents post images of their children on social media 505 views Television What are the legal consequences of parents posting images and other ... Why European states are slow to use mobile tracing technology during COVID-19 314 views Television How far can governments go in using mobile technology during COVID ... Financial institutions spy on employees computers at home 489 views Television How far would employers go, spying on employees who work from home ... Should political ads be banned on social media? 366 views Television The role of social media ads during election campaigns The US to give the ransomware threat same priority as terrorism 398 views Television The US might give ransomware threat the same priority as terrorism. ... Calling for more online harassers to be prosecuted 379 views Television Yair Cohen explains how he brings private prosecution cases against ... Facebook political ad ban blocks COVID19 vaccine messages 434 views Television Facebook has been blocking messages from city authorities, health care ... Why are farmers in India supported by social media giants 360 views Television Why India farmers protest is supported by social media giants who say ... Can social media companies rewrite history? 390 views Television Never before in human history, have those in charge of carrying public ... Google found guilty on location cheating in Australia 442 views Television Google found to have misled Australian users in location tracking ... 12»Page 1 of 2