Yair Cohen, UK lawyer and internet law expert will be presenting at the Internet Law Leadership Summit in Miami California, USA on Friday 09 December 2016.

Why is the right to be forgotten being extended to the USA and what is Google doing about this?
After Google actively encouraged internet users to use google.com instead of google.co.uk, google.fr and other European Google search engines, it was told by French data protection regulator CNIL that it needs to extend de-listing of offending search results to all Google searches regardless of the IP address of the person complaining about the offending searches. The effect of this decision was to extend the doctrine of the right to be forgotten to the USA and effectively to the rest of the world.
Google in turn has appealed and in the past few months has started to remove offending searches under defamation laws rather rather than data protection laws. This for now allows it to circumvent the need to de-list searches from Google search engines outside the specific jurisdiction of the complainant.
Yair Cohen of Cohen Davis Solicitors speaks at the Internet Law Leadership Summit.