Facebook is facing accusations of staff mistreatment after a group of moderators claim that they were exposed to poor working conditions.
The technology in place is quite sophisticated with moderating text and audio posts but when it comes to videos, they cannot automate it. These human moderators, who need to be able to act quickly and precisely have got a very difficult, unpleasant job and with poor working conditions as well, they are quite justified in speaking out. Facebook owe them so much more.
Until Facebook invest some money into the whole moderation process – and the technology is there, when you look to Google and their experience with Youtube. Google have enough artificial intelligence to handle video content (83% of the 8 million offensive videos that were removed from Youtube in 2017 were done by automated algorithms) and perhaps they could share that technology with Facebook.
If these allegations are true, it tells us something about the way Facebook is treating the whole subject of content moderation
Maybe it doesn’t really want to do it?
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Facebook content moderators bad conditions