Internet Law Leadership Summit

An annual gathering of the world’s greatest internet law attorneys’ network. Attendance is by invitation only
From 08:30 until 18:00
At ARIA Resort Las Vegas
3730 Las Vegas Boulevard South , Las Vegas, NV 89158 UNITED STATES
Oganised by: ILLS Inc
This year Yair Cohen will be presenting at the Internet Law Leadership Summit the latest developments in UK and European Internet Law, Data Protection, Privacy and Defamation law. The Internet Law Leadership Summit is governed by Chatham House Rule, which allows for free discussion, debate and brainstorming among some of the world's greatest Internet Law Expert attorneys. Any lawyer who attends the summit is free to use information from the discussions, but is not allowed to reveal who made any comment. This format is designed to increase openness of discussion and qualify of debate. This year at the Internet Law Leadership Summit topics include:
- Canadian Court Decisions (Google v. Equustek Solutions, Inc., et al.).
- Amazon Seller State Tax Amnesty Update..
- Space Law Update.
- FTC and Online Bait and Switch Schemes.
- FTC Enforcement Actions Targeting Social Media Influencers.
- Section 230: Filtering and Flagging Systems as Conduct Protected under Section 230.
- Tezos Litigation (Cryptocurrency) Update.
- UPL Update: Traffic Ticket Apps and Trademarkia Litigation
- GDPR and Consumer Technology.
- Update on Cryptocurrency Legislation and Model Legislation.
- Frontal Lobotomy of Exiting Employee to Protect Trade Secrets (Waymo v. Uber).
- Trends in Copyright Enforcement: Embedded Tweets and More.
- Update on California Supreme Court Argument Update: Hassel v. Bird.
Other attendees include attorneys representing,,